HI, This is FAF  Token!

Fairface review platform will introduce FAF tokens to reward users who write the reviews on the listed businesses.

Let’s Know About FAF Token

FAF Token is set to become the first reward token implemented on B2C platforms. The Fairface review platform will be the first to introduce FAF tokens as a reward for users who write reviews on listed businesses. These tokens can then be used by businesses as payment for their products and services or transferred to a digital wallet to exchange for other digital currencies.

How It’s Work

FAF Token offers a unique opportunity to incentivize user engagement and create a new economy within the Fairface platform. Users will be able to earn FAF tokens simply by sharing their experiences and opinions on the platform, while businesses can benefit from increased exposure and customer loyalty.

Send An Invitation

Business sends invitation to the customers to write a review on their latest experience on service or product delivery.

Write Review

Customers clicks the invitation link, creates account and writes a review on that business.

Claim FAF tokens

Customer will be credited with FAF tokens once the review has been verified.

Redeem FAF tokens

Customer can now redeem FAF tokens with the participating businesses or can transfer to their wallet and also can convert to other digital currencies.

Why Fairface

As the first token of its kind, FAF Token has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses and consumers interact online. By creating a decentralized, transparent and secure platform, Fairface is paving the way for a new era of digital commerce, powered by the FAF Token.

First one

FAF token will be the first to be implemented as a reward token on B2C platform with more than 100000+ listed businesses.

Introduce new users to Digital ecosystem

Less than 10% of customers write reviews on companies when asked. By rewarding with FAF tokens the customers will be encouraged to write reviews on products and services and also introduce them to digital currencies.

Multi Usage

FAF tokens can be redeemed by users with the listed businesses on Fairface review platform or the token can be converted into other digital currencies.

Fairface Powered By FAF Tokens On DeFi Network

Road Map

April 2022 - March 2023

Implementation of FAF token on Fairface platform after listing on Exchange.

 FAF token Announcements, marketing to existing customers on Fairface platform.

Start rewarding FAF tokens to the customers who write reviews by invitations.

Start of Blockchain development.

April 2023 – June 2023

Start accepting FAF token as payment method alongside with Fiat currency.

Increasing team in Technical, Sales and Marketing

Staking to raise more funds for operations.

July 2023 – December 2023

Migration and implementation of Fairface on the new DeFi review network on 4-nodes.

New AI analytical tools.

NFT Development to cover products.

Technical development and support for new features.

Expand presence to other regions by opening new offices. (Priority would be to enter into USA, Singapore, Hongkong countries )

Farming to raise more funds for operations.

Business Partnerships for FAF adoption..

January 2024 - December 2025

Technical development and support for new features.

Expand presence to other regions by opening new offices. ( Africa, South America)

Farming to raise more funds for operations.

Business Partnerships for FAF adoption.


Our philosophy is about building great relationships internally as well as with clients. Our team provide solutions which are based on innovation, years of research and relevant and in-depth domain experience and will therefore put us ahead in the game and at the same time enable us to better achieve our business objectives.

Anand Venkataiah

Over 20 years of experience with a demonstrated history of working in emerging technologies, services industry, educational and Finance industry. Delivered various projects on blockchain to clients. Experience in building and successfully running Saas (Software as a service) businesses globally.

Tim Brolly

More than 25 years of experience in the field of blockchain projects and emerging technologies, Media, Education industry. Tim worked in the roles of Operations Director, Business development, Sales, Marketing and Public relations.

James Mburu

Professionally qualified expert in finance and accountancy, auditing and corporate finance. Former CEO of an international organisation affiliated to USAID and Finance Team Leader in Washington DC government. Having over 30 years of experience in banking and finance in the roles of Internal Auditor, Financial Analyst and Chief Financial Officer. James also gives guest lectures in international business, finance, and economics in various UK universities.

Perter Reynolds
Marketing Advisor

Peter Reynolds has a career in marketing spanning nearly 40 years. He worked as a copywriter and creative director in many leading London advertising agencies. In recent years he has worked as a marketing consultant for organisations such as the Ministry of Defence, the NHS and Hewlett Packard in UK.

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Buy FAF token on your phone (Android/Iphone)

Step 1 : Install Trust Wallet App from the App store or visit www.trustwallet.com.

Step 2 : Open an account in trust wallet.

Step 3 : Open trust wallet on your mobile

Step 4 : In the wallet screen click on manage button ( top right corner beside collectibles )

Step 5 : Scroll down to very bottom and click on add custom token

Step 6 : In add custom token screen select network to “Smart Chain”

Step 7 : Paste the address in contract address Field : 0xe65313B085258a671d044F7Ad9D9fcd514c5d9e9

Step 8 : Click on done and FAF token will be added on to your wallet screen.

Step 9 : You must have ‘USDT BEP20’ and ‘Smart Chain BNB’ tokens in your Trust wallet

before proceeding to buy FAF token. Less than $1 worth of BNB to buy $10000 USDT worth of FAF tokens. Preferred exchanges to buy USDT BEP20 and Smart Chain BNB are

Binance or Gate.

Please note that when you transfer USDT to trust wallet select BEP20 only. you can’t transfer USDT BEP20 from Coinbase.

Step 10 : Check that you have the right funds to buy.

Step 11 : Open 'www.fairface.io' in your phone browser.

Step 12 : Click on ‘Participate in ICO’ button.

Step 13 : Click on ‘Connect Wallet’ button on top right corner you will see four options.

Step 14 : on Android phone select ‘Trust Wallet’ / on IPhone select ‘Wallet Connect’

Step 15 : You can see your wallet address at the top right corner.

Step 16 : Enter the USDT amount you want to buy and that will show you FAF tokens.

Step 17 : Cleck on Approve. Please wait few seconds and you will see the FAF tokens in your trust wallet account.

Buy FAF token on your Desktop or Laptop or PC

Please note that browser supported are: Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge

Step 1: Download & Install MetaMask extension from https://metamask.io/download.html

Step 2 :Open an account in MetaMask.

Step 3 : Click on Add Token under assets tab

Step 4 : Click on Custom Token

Step 5 : Enter Token Address : 0xe65313B085258a671d044F7Ad9D9fcd514c5d9e9

Step 6 : Click on Next and Token will be added to your wallet

Add Binance network to Metamsk

Step 7 : Click on 3 dots menu button and open Metamask in Expand view

Step 8 : Click on profile logo besides network name

Step 9 : Click on settings

Step 10 : Click on Networks

Step 11 : click on add network

Step 12 : Enter the following Details in respective fields

Step 13 : Enter the following Details in respective fields

Network Name : Binance Smart Chain Mainnet

New RPC URL : https://bsc-dataseed1.ninicoin.io

Chain ID : 56

Currency Symbol : BNB

Blockchain Explorer : https://bscscan.com/

Click on save and network for binance smart chain will be saved.

Step 14 : You must have ‘USDT BEP20’ and ‘Smart Chain BNB’ tokens in your MetaMask wallet before proceeding to buy FAF token. Less than $1 worth of BNB to buy $10000 USDT worth of FAF tokens. Preferred exchanges to buy USDT BEP20 and Smart Chain BNB are Binance or Gate.

Please note that when you transfer USDT to trust wallet select BEP20 only. you can’t transfer USDT BEP20 from Coinbase.

Step 15 : Check that you have the right funds to buy.

Step 16 : Click on ‘Participate in ICO’ button.

Step 17 : Click on ‘Connect Wallet’ button on top right corner you will see four options.

Step 18 : on Android phone select ‘Trust Wallet’ / on IPhone select ‘Wallet Connect’

Step 19 : You can see your wallet address at the top right corner.

Step 20 : Enter the USDT amount you want to buy and that will show you FAF tokens.