Leased Proof-of-Stake (LPoS): Simplifying Blockchain Consensus

Blockchain technology relies on consensus mechanisms to ensure the integrity and security of transactions. Leased Proof-of-Stake (LPoS) is one such consensus algorithm that seeks to make the process more efficient and environmentally friendly. In this article, we’ll explore what LPoS is and how it functions.

Understanding Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

Before delving into LPoS, it’s essential to understand the concept of Proof-of-Stake (PoS). In a PoS blockchain network, block validators are chosen based on the number of coins they hold and “stake” in the network. This means that participants who hold a significant number of coins have a higher probability of being chosen as validators and gaining rewards in the form of newly minted tokens or transaction fees.

What is Leased Proof-of-Stake (LPoS)?

Leased Proof-of-Stake (LPoS) builds upon the basic concept of PoS and introduces a more inclusive and accessible approach. In a traditional PoS system, individuals with a large number of coins have a higher chance of being selected as validators and reaping rewards. This can create a centralization of power and wealth, limiting participation from smaller stakeholders.

LPoS addresses this concern by introducing the concept of “leasing” coins. Instead of requiring individuals to possess a large number of coins to become validators, LPoS allows users to lease their coins to a trusted validator. This leasing process allows small stakeholders to pool their resources and increase their chances of receiving rewards.

How LPoS Works

The process of LPoS can be summarized in three main steps:

Leasing Coins: Users who hold a certain number of coins can choose to lease them to a validator of their choice. By leasing, they contribute to the total stake of the validator without actually transferring ownership of their coins.

Validation and Reward Distribution: The validator, who possesses a high stake in the network due to the leased coins, is more likely to be selected to validate blocks. Once the validator successfully validates a block, they receive the associated rewards. These rewards are then distributed among those who leased their coins to the validator, based on the terms set by the validator.

Flexible Leasing: LPoS allows users to lease their coins to different validators based on their preferences. Users can switch their leases at any time, providing them with flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Benefits of LPoS

LPoS offers several advantages over traditional PoS and other consensus mechanisms:

Decentralization and Inclusion: LPoS ensures a more inclusive blockchain network by allowing small stakeholders to participate in the consensus process. By pooling resources and leasing coins, a broader range of participants can contribute to the network’s security and receive rewards.

Energy Efficiency: Compared to Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanisms, LPoS offers a more energy-efficient alternative. PoW requires miners to solve complex mathematical puzzles, consuming substantial amounts of electricity. In contrast, LPoS relies on the stake of coins, reducing energy consumption significantly.

Reduced Hardware Requirements: LPoS eliminates the need for expensive mining hardware, making it more accessible to a wider range of participants. Users can lease their coins from any device connected to the internet, without the requirement for specialized equipment.

Flexibility and Adaptability: LPoS allows users to lease their coins to different validators, giving them the flexibility to diversify their investment or change validators based on performance or other preferences. This adaptability ensures a dynamic and robust consensus mechanism.


Leased Proof-of-Stake (LPoS) builds upon the concept of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and introduces a more inclusive and environmentally friendly consensus mechanism. By enabling small stakeholders to lease their coins to validators, LPoS enhances decentralization, reduces energy consumption, and increases participation in the blockchain network. With its benefits of accessibility and adaptability, LPoS represents a promising approach to achieving consensus in the blockchain ecosystem.


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Buy FAF token on your phone (Android/Iphone)

Step 1 : Install Trust Wallet App from the App store or visit

Step 2 : Open an account in trust wallet.

Step 3 : Open trust wallet on your mobile

Step 4 : In the wallet screen click on manage button ( top right corner beside collectibles )

Step 5 : Scroll down to very bottom and click on add custom token

Step 6 : In add custom token screen select network to “Smart Chain”

Step 7 : Paste the address in contract address Field : 0xe65313B085258a671d044F7Ad9D9fcd514c5d9e9

Step 8 : Click on done and FAF token will be added on to your wallet screen.

Step 9 : You must have ‘USDT BEP20’ and ‘Smart Chain BNB’ tokens in your Trust wallet

before proceeding to buy FAF token. Less than $1 worth of BNB to buy $10000 USDT worth of FAF tokens. Preferred exchanges to buy USDT BEP20 and Smart Chain BNB are

Binance or Gate.

Please note that when you transfer USDT to trust wallet select BEP20 only. you can’t transfer USDT BEP20 from Coinbase.

Step 10 : Check that you have the right funds to buy.

Step 11 : Open '' in your phone browser.

Step 12 : Click on ‘Participate in ICO’ button.

Step 13 : Click on ‘Connect Wallet’ button on top right corner you will see four options.

Step 14 : on Android phone select ‘Trust Wallet’ / on IPhone select ‘Wallet Connect’

Step 15 : You can see your wallet address at the top right corner.

Step 16 : Enter the USDT amount you want to buy and that will show you FAF tokens.

Step 17 : Cleck on Approve. Please wait few seconds and you will see the FAF tokens in your trust wallet account.

Buy FAF token on your Desktop or Laptop or PC

Please note that browser supported are: Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge

Step 1: Download & Install MetaMask extension from

Step 2 :Open an account in MetaMask.

Step 3 : Click on Add Token under assets tab

Step 4 : Click on Custom Token

Step 5 : Enter Token Address : 0xe65313B085258a671d044F7Ad9D9fcd514c5d9e9

Step 6 : Click on Next and Token will be added to your wallet

Add Binance network to Metamsk

Step 7 : Click on 3 dots menu button and open Metamask in Expand view

Step 8 : Click on profile logo besides network name

Step 9 : Click on settings

Step 10 : Click on Networks

Step 11 : click on add network

Step 12 : Enter the following Details in respective fields

Step 13 : Enter the following Details in respective fields

Network Name : Binance Smart Chain Mainnet


Chain ID : 56

Currency Symbol : BNB

Blockchain Explorer :

Click on save and network for binance smart chain will be saved.

Step 14 : You must have ‘USDT BEP20’ and ‘Smart Chain BNB’ tokens in your MetaMask wallet before proceeding to buy FAF token. Less than $1 worth of BNB to buy $10000 USDT worth of FAF tokens. Preferred exchanges to buy USDT BEP20 and Smart Chain BNB are Binance or Gate.

Please note that when you transfer USDT to trust wallet select BEP20 only. you can’t transfer USDT BEP20 from Coinbase.

Step 15 : Check that you have the right funds to buy.

Step 16 : Click on ‘Participate in ICO’ button.

Step 17 : Click on ‘Connect Wallet’ button on top right corner you will see four options.

Step 18 : on Android phone select ‘Trust Wallet’ / on IPhone select ‘Wallet Connect’

Step 19 : You can see your wallet address at the top right corner.

Step 20 : Enter the USDT amount you want to buy and that will show you FAF tokens.